3 polyethylene bottles, 500 ml, colored liquid, metal basket,C-print (135 x 90 cm), C- print (60 x 49 cm), RGB color chart, 14 pages A 4, Photocopies, 10 pages A 4
The Palliative Care Organization Uganda (PCAU) is a nationwide network that distributes Morphine to patients with terminal diseases (mostly AIDS and cancer). The drug is distributed in bottles and liquids that are color coded in red (50 mg/500ml), green (5 mg/500ml) and blue (10.000 mg/500ml). The colors red, green and blue (=RGB) form the basis of Helmholtz and Young´s visual perception model to explain color vision of the human eyesight. They were used by Thomas Sutton to create the first color photograph in 1861 („The Tartan Ribbon“). Today the RGB code is widely used for the sensing, representation and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers.

The Tartan Ribbon by Thomas Sutton
The installation of the three colored bottles is set between two different registers: An RGB color table including hex and decimal code with their equally colorful css names (like lemon-chiffon, seashell, honeydew, mintcream, azure, alice, lavender etc.) that are recognized by all web browsers. Next to these charts is a xerox of a last will form offered by PCAU staffers to patients who wish to settle their affairs. It encompasses a comprehensive survey of one´s life starting with the date and place of birth, the parents, the cultural coordinates (tribe, clan, totem, confession), to continue with the education and profession, children to finally conclude with the belongings and to whom they should be passed on.